In the third instalment of this exclusive video series in partnership with, Arkady Sandler, Head of AI at MTS, discusses HR, automation and AI. Arkady considers the nature of fear we associate with AI and automation, focusing on those based on work and job losses, emphasising that these fears are predominantly a fear of change, which could prevent organisations developing for the future of work and working more efficiently.
Arkady continues to look at whether HR should lead when it comes to integrating automation into the future of work considering the importance of Humans as a Resource, and the way in which automation can help make this operate more efficiently, whilst also embracing the ability these bring when it comes to automating processes to release human capital. .
Walk Before you Run
This series will cover weekly episodes with features from:
Alistair Antoine, Sr Manager Talent, Skills & Learning Innovation at CISCO
Arkady Sandler, Head of AI at
Siobhan Fagan, IT Director at PIZZA EXPRESS