HR teams within the healthcare industry are under immense pressure to fill vacancies. The increasing demand for more healthcare professionals, laid against the backdrop of an ageing population a chronic shortage of talent, can make the sector’s future look bleak.
Getting it wrong: Using technology as a fix, not a solution
The wider landscape for HR healthcare professionals demands that teams be more competitive and fill the broad range of hard to execute vacancies. Oftentimes, HR healthcare recruitment teams turn to technology as a quick fix for the existing problems within their organisations. The reality is there is no one size fits for any business. To capitalise on a technology-led solution, healthcare recruiters must identify the processes and have an honest conversation over areas where your team struggle. An intimate and forensic review of your capability will help to build a recruitment technology stack that wraps around your existing processes, eliminate inefficiencies and help you remove problems. Here are five questions healthcare HR teams should be considering in their strategic plans1. How much time does my team allocate to sourcing the right talent?
A vacancy in any healthcare position is a haemorrhage of time and cost. It drains teams of persistent motion and reduces the possibility of a hospital providing optimal care. This is why being able to track your talent sources and effectively measure the ROI (based on a historical record of your vacancies) is crucial for HR teams to succeed in today’s candidate-driven marketplace. Pinning down the best source for your vacancies, per role or job description – transforms the process of sourcing from stagnant databases and reactive methodologies to data-driven, efficient and productive. It empowers your entire organisation to establish clear operating principles and strive for peak performance. There is a measure of how long it takes to hire for one role versus the other. Simultaneously living in a data-driven methodology, such as Recruitment 4.0, allows healthcare recruitment and HR executive teams to forecast and budget individual vacancies and across all openings.2. Is your team’s overall productivity hindered by repetitive and manual tasks?
According to Deloitte, 51 to 60% of hospitals are at risk of hitting negative margins by 2025 if they cannot increase productivity. The complexity surrounding hiring within healthcare coupled with the talent shortage means that, on average, a healthcare HR professional spends nearly 25 hours each week on manual, administrative and repetitive work that can easily be automated. Process automation technology takes over administrative/repetitive tasks from a hiring team, allowing them to focus on high-value and cognitive activities such as delivering insight, having conversations, persuading and informing. With your team only focused on high-value activities, you empower every member of your team to drive productivity and align their role to your organisation’s goals and objectives. Learn more about process automation technology here:- Automation is accelerating the process of talent acquisition
- Robotic process automation and its wider impact on recruitment