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EVA 7.2 Platform release: New Features and Enhancements

Experience enhanced Recruitment Automation and Personalisation with EVA 7.2

LONDON, July 2024 –Following the successful 7.1 release at the start of the year, we are excited to introduce EVA.ai 7.2, which includes a host of new tools designed to streamline your talent acquisition and talent management processes.

EVA 7.2: Key Features, Enhancements and their Applications

UI Label Translations

HR is a dynamic world. Various terminologies are used to describe similar processes and roles in the industry. Organisations can adopt a unified language that aligns with their culture and operational style to ensure clarity and consistency. Using familiar terms reduces confusion and improves navigation for employees.

EVA.ai recognises the need for a standardised and customised user experience that matches your organisation’s unique language preferences. We introduced the UI Label Translations feature to address the challenge of varied terminologies and enhance internal consistency.

This feature allows organisations to tailor the terminology used within the EVA HCM platform to match their specific language and style. Whether your organisation prefers “Job Requests,” “Job Requirements,” “Position Summaries,” or “Job Titles,” EVA’s UI Label Translations enable you to create a familiar and intuitive interface for your employees. It also provides an easy-to-use interface for administrators to manage and update terminology without technical expertise.

Automated Archiving of Entities

Talent acquisition and management processes often generate a vast amount of data, including job postings, candidate applications, and communication records. Over time, this accumulation can overwhelm an ATS and CRM system, making it challenging for HR teams to focus on active recruitment efforts.

In large organisations running multiple hiring campaigns simultaneously and handling thousands of applications each quarter, the ATS can become cluttered with old job postings and candidate profiles from previous cycles. This clutter can slow down the system and complicate the management of current recruitment efforts.

EVA.ai’s Automated Archiving of Entities feature ensures your ATS and CRM environments remain organised and efficient. This feature automatically archives closed job vacancies, rejected candidates, and other outdated records, moving them into secure storage where they can be retrieved at any time if needed.

On EVA workflows, archiving feature can be configured with business rules to automatically archive records, such as closed job vacancies after 90 days or rejected candidates who haven’t been engaged for a specified period. This feature can save recruiters an average of 2 hours per week that was previously spent manually sorting and archiving data. You would need just 10 minutes per week for oversight, reducing the time spent on these manual tasks by 95%.

Control Over Public Job Sharing

EVA.ai offers seamless control over public job sharing with its intelligent automation capabilities. Active job postings are automatically made publicly available, while jobs that are on hold or have been closed are promptly hidden from public view. This automation ensures that your recruitment campaigns remain up-to-date and efficient, eliminating the need for manual intervention to manage job visibility.

By automating this process, EVA.ai helps maintain a professional and timely presence in the job market, ensuring that only relevant opportunities are visible to potential candidates, thus streamlining your recruitment efforts.

Streamlined Candidate Management

As organisations grow and expand, managing large numbers of candidates across various stages of the recruitment and onboarding processes becomes increasingly challenging. A company might have candidates in different stages—some newly vetted, others moving to interview rounds, and some transitioning to full-time employees. Manually managing activities and access permissions for these candidates can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Without automation, HR teams may struggle to ensure that only the right candidates have access to relevant job postings, resources, and company information at the appropriate stages, leading to inefficiencies, data security risks, and a disjointed candidate experience.

EVA.ai’s dynamic candidate re-categorisation feature automates the process of updating access permissions as candidates transition through different stages in recruitment and onboarding workflows. For example, when a candidate qualifies for an interview, their access permissions are automatically updated, granting them access to a new, personalized Talent Portal space with relevant resources. This automation saves the HR team an estimated 3-5 hours per week that would otherwise be spent on manual updates.

A critical aspect of this feature is its ability to automatically revoke access for departing employees, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive company data and ensuring compliance with internal policies.

Additionally, EVA.ai allows HR teams to update permissions in bulk, ensuring that all candidates in a specific group gain or lose access to certain job postings or sections of the Talent Portal simultaneously. This capability leads to a more seamless transition for candidates and employees throughout the recruitment and onboarding process, providing them with timely access to the information they need.

Pipeline Transition Notes

Effective communication is key to a successful talent acquisition and talent management process, especially when multiple team members are involved in evaluating and managing candidates. EVA.ai’s Pipeline Transition Notes feature enhances this communication by allowing recruiters and hiring managers to add comments or essential details every time a candidate’s pipeline status is updated. Whether a candidate is moving to the interview stage, being shortlisted, or transitioning out of the process, team members can leave notes that provide context, highlight concerns, or suggest next steps.

This feature promotes accountability by documenting the rationale behind each transition, which can be referenced in future discussions or audits.

Move Pipelines with Ease

EVA.ai’s Move Pipeline feature is a powerful tool designed to enhance data management within the platform by allowing administrators to seamlessly re-link pipelines to the correct job or candidate. This feature is particularly useful in situations where errors occur, such as a candidate being mistakenly associated with the wrong job or a job being linked to an incorrect candidate profile. By enabling the easy correction of these mix-ups, the Move Pipeline feature ensures that all talent profiles remain accurate and well-organised, preserving the integrity of your talent ops data.

One of the key advantages of this feature is its ability to preserve critical data during the deduplication process. When administrators need to merge or delete duplicate candidate profiles, this feature ensures that all pipeline data is correctly transferred to the appropriate profile before any changes are made. This prevents the loss of valuable historical information and maintains the continuity of your recruitment records.

Expanded Process Automation

EVA.ai 7.2 extends automation capabilities with:

  • Time-Based Automation: Automate tasks such as sending approval requests, removing inactive candidates, and sending interview reminders.
  • Data Update Automation: Automatically email candidates with updates on critical data like job interests or availability.
  • Events-Based Automation: Improve candidate engagement with automated follow-up emails after interviews and profile updates based on interactions.

EVA.ai 7.2 is designed with HR productivity in mind, addressing real-world challenges with powerful, user-friendly features. The latest enhancements offer a more intuitive and efficient platform, ensuring that your HR ops are as smooth as possible. 

The expanded automation capabilities mean less manual work and less intervention to repeated tasks, improving both recruiter productivity and candidate experience. By streamlining candidate management and ensuring clear communication within teams, these features make the digital recruiter’s journey much easier and more efficient. EVA.ai 7.2 empowers recruiters and talent managers to work smarter, not harder, in an increasingly competitive talent landscape.

For a closer look at how these features can transform your recruitment process:


EVA – conversational AI & predictive ML, operating within a modular HR Tech Platform, that automates processes and personalises experiences.

EVA team helps organisations achieve both growth and sustainability with HR 4.0 – the fourth industrial revolution applied to Talent Acquisition & Talent Management.

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