In the first instalment of this exclusive video series in partnership with, Nick Short (Talent Acquisition Lead (UK&I) at Siemens) discusses HR, automation and AI. Nick focuses on the integration of automation and AI into organisations, particularly in HR and Talent Acquisitions, looking at the fear, fascinations and possibilities it provides, alongside considering the role automation plays in the future of work.
Nick continues to look at what an automation first mindset means, considering whether organisations and people are ready for it and how best we can implement in our organisations, emphasising the importance of having the data correct in the first place to allow AI to function as well as it possibly can.
Walk Before you Run
This series will cover weekly episodes with features from:
Alistair Antoine, Sr Manager Talent, Skills & Learning Innovation at CISCO
Arkady Sandler, Head of AI at
Siobhan Fagan, IT Director at PIZZA EXPRESS