Source & Attract
Hiring the best people starts with having better options. EVA gives you the smartest sourcing options so that you can attract and pipeline the best candidates fast.

Candidate Sourcing & Talent Attraction with EVA
Beyond static career sites
Deployed on your existing career sites, EVA Job Search and Chatbot Popup Widget display your vacancies and proactively kick-off conversations during the application process. When a candidate applies for the first time, EVA Bot registers, pre-screens and answer your FAQ. EVA then guides them to their personalised portal - branded to your organisation colours - helps them build their talent profile and recommend jobs that fit their career and aspirations.
Increases your EVP and ensures that you’re delivering a world-class candidate experience.
- 24/7 mobile-optimised intelligent chatbot engagement
- Multi-faceted job search vacancy with pipeline automation
- Seamless transition between Job search, Pre-screening, Profile Management and FAQ modes

Attract more candidates
EVA enables hiring teams to build powerful shortlists from multiple sources on a single screen.
- Eliminate manual data entry and post jobs across your preferred job boards in a single click (Indeed, Zip, Reed, Jobsite and more…)
- Advertise video jobs on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more
- Intelligently combs through third-party CV databases natively from EVA, then import relevant CVs at scale (TotalJobs, CV-Library, Resume Library and more…)
- Feed your talent pools by leveraging EVA Candidate Leads partners and find high-profile candidate leads to outreach.
- Automatically import inbound applications from your email inbox to the job pipeline in EVA.
Say goodbye to form-based applications
Long and static application forms increase churn during the job application process. EVA allows candidates to apply for jobs via a two-way engaging conversation with our Conversational Assistant. EVA Bot is available 24/7, so candidates can apply to join your company whenever and on whatever device they choose.
- 5-10 minutes application time
- 70-90% application completion rate
- Apply via desktops or mobile devices, without the need to download an app
- Launch the chatbot widget on your career website
- Seamlessly lead candidates from job board adverts to the chatbot.

Leverage your existing candidate database
EVA Bot re-engagement campaigns are the fastest, safest, and easiest way to engage with talent in your database that you may have lost contact with as your organisational needs changed.
EVA Bot is configured to engage with candidates and collect updated information around their work experience and professional growth.
Hiring teams can define automation rules (e.g. after x months, get work experience updates).
EVA Bot’s re-engagement functionality ensures that hiring teams always have a pool of nurtured talent they can potentially hire.
Qualified candidates at your fingertips
EVA has multiple ways of quickly adding candidates to your pipelines automatically and effectively.
- Launch an engagement campaign with candidates to facilitate the application process
- Match on job requirements and pipeline dozens of relevant candidates with one click
- Create intelligent queries based on desired parameters such as current job title, companies job type, skills, tags etc. and EVA will automatically outreach to candidates matching the parameters by email, SMS and messenger

EVA Source & Attract Module in a nutshell
Job Posting
Career Site
Job Boards
Social Search
Internal Database
Email CV-Dropbox
Bot Portal
Open API
Step today into the world of
HR 4.0
HR 4.0
Achieve Breakout Performance with EVA
From one revolutionary modular platform leverage EVA's talent acquisition technology modules to align all your hiring initiatives and grow sustainably.

Source & Attract

Search & Match

Engage & Nurture

Screen & Assess

Schedule & Interview